06 October, 2015

Natural Hair Care Tips

Natural Hair Care Tips
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  • A once a week hot oil treatment with olive or coconut oil will help keep you scalp and hair nourished.
  • If you suffer from dandruff, try using natural remedies such as neem and mint instead of using dandruff shampoos. This is because dandruff shampoos tend to be harsh on your hair and can make your hair extremely dry and brittle.
  • If you are someone who shampoos their hair every day, then try to cut down slowly. Go from daily shampooing to thrice a week or twice a week. Shampooing every day can result in your hair follicles getting damaged, not to mention that your scalp will be stripped of its natural oils.  
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  •     Avoid using a blow dryer to dry your hair. Regular blow drying can lead to a dry scalp and split ends. So towel dry and let your hair air-dry naturally as much as possible.
  • Never brush your hair when it is wet. Your hair is most fragile when it is wet. So let it dry completely before you take a comb or brush to it.
  • As for black hair tips for growth, apart from using amla and curry leaves in your haircare regime, make sure you also ingest them. What you eat will reflect on how your hair looks. Amla and curry leaves are great for black hair as they keep it shiny and prevent premature greying. So make them a regular addition to your diet.     
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Now that you’ve read our natural black hair care tips, go ahead and make some changes to get that shiny, glossy black hair that you always wanted.


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