26 September, 2015

Men's Hair Loss: Treatments and Solutions

Hair Loss: A Common Problem

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About 85% of men will have significant hair thinning by the time they're 50, according to the American Hair Loss Association. Some men begin to lose their hair before they even turn 21.

Uncovering Hair Loss Myths

 Does wearing a baseball cap cause baldness? Nope. Someone running their fingers through your hair won't cause it either. Neither will combing, brushing, twisting, or styling. But avoid being too rough to prevent hair breakage

 Quit Smoking and Save Your Hair?

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Several studies show a significant relationship between smoking and how fast male-pattern baldness gets worse. So if you need one more reason to quit smoking, add early hair loss to your list.

What Hair Loss Says About Your Health

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  Fortunately, in most cases, hair loss -- known as alopecia -- doesn't signal a medical problem. And it poses no health risk. But it's common to worry about how hair loss affects first impressions or whether balding makes you look older.

What Causes Hair Loss?

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More than 95% of male hair loss is due to male-pattern baldness, a genetic trait. The gene can come from either parent. In other cases, certain medications, having too much vitamin A, or not getting enough protein can cause hair to fall out. Dramatic shedding of hair known as telogen effluvium can be caused by illness or stress. In men, hair loss not due to male-pattern baldness often reverses itself.

Work to Keep the Hair You Have

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Preventing hair loss is easier than replacing it once it's gone. If you want to find something that will work for you, do your homework. But be careful. Most miracle products and treatments are shams. When in doubt, your doctor or a dermatologist can help.

Hair Loss Medication: Minoxidil

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Although there's no way to cure male-pattern baldness, you can slow it down with some medications. Minoxidil is an FDA-approved over-the-counter medication you apply to your scalp. It slows the rate of hair loss in men, and some men even grow new hair. But once you stop using it, hair loss returns.

Male-Pattern Baldness: What to Expect

A tell-tale sign of male-pattern baldness is a receding, M-shaped hairline. Next, the hair on top of your head also starts to thin, leaving a bald spot. Eventually, the two meet, leaving a horseshoe pattern of hair around the sides. The Norwood Scale, seen here, is used to rate male-pattern baldness.

Male-Pattern Baldness: Blame Hormones

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With male-pattern baldness, a hormone called DHT causes hair follicles to shrink. Eventually, the follicles shrink so much that no hair can grow in them.

Hair Loss Medication: Finasteride

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Taken as a prescription pill, finasteride slows hair loss by slowing down the body's production of DHT. Some men have been able to grow new hair while using it. In general, it's considered to work better than minoxidil. Pregnant women should not handle the drug since it can cause birth defects in male fetuses. Like minoxidil, it works only as long as it's used.

Should You Wear a Hairpiece?

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Hairpieces have come a long way in how they look. Finding the right one, though, takes time and study. There's a wide range in cost and quality. And hairpieces require regular maintenance which can run between $60 and $300 per month. When shopping, look to match your own hair color, thickness, and curl.

What Happens With a Hair Transplant

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A doctor will move healthy hair from the back and side of your head to the top to restore a natural look. Hair transplants can be costly and you may have to have several procedures. After two months, most of the transplanted hair is shed, but new hair grows back. Within six months the hair starts to look normal.

Make the Most of the Hair You Have

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There are some styling tricks you can use to make your hair loss less noticeable. Cutting thinning hair short lets you avoid obvious comb-overs. Hair care and styling products may add volume to your hair. Eating a balanced diet and handling your hair gently will also help.

Accentuate the Positive

Hair does not make the man. Remind yourself of all you have to offer others. Or take care of things you can control, such as staying in shape. It's OK to look to others for support. If you need a boost, think of bald men (or those who shaved their heads) like Ed Harris, Patrick Stewart, and Michael Jordan, who ooze confidence. Then consider yourself in good company.

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Male hair loss

What is male hair loss (male pattern baldness/androgenic alopecia)?

Male hair loss is the most common type of hair loss.

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It's caused by increased sensitivity to male sex hormones (androgens) in certain parts of the scalp, and is passed on from generation to generation.

In the past, baldness was often seen as something unfortunate or undesirable.

However, this attitude has changed over the years and nowadays a clean-shaven head is usually considered both fashionable and attractive.

What causes male hair loss?

Some men have areas on the scalp that are very sensitive to the male sex hormones that circulate in men's blood.

The hormones make the hair follicles – from which hair grows – shrink. Eventually, they become so small that they cannot replace lost hairs. The follicles are still alive, but are no longer able to perform their task.

The condition usually starts in men aged 20 to 30 and follows a typical pattern.

First, a receding hairline develops, and gradually the hair on top of the head also begins to thin.

Eventually, the two balding areas meet to form a typical U-shape around the back and sides of the head. The hair that remains is often finer and does not grow as quickly as it used to.

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Can male hair loss be prevented?

Male hair loss is genetically determined (passed on from parents). Although a doctor can offer medical treatment to improve the condition, this may have side-effects.

What can be done at home?

You need to decide how you feel about hair loss. Male hair loss affects a large part of the male population and people react very differently to it.

It is important to try to accept hair loss for what it is – something natural.

Rather than trying to camouflage bald spots with remaining hair or a wig, it is probably a better idea to leave your hair as it is, or shave it off completely.

If, however, you decide to try to regain your hair, possible medical treatments are discussed below.

How is male hair loss treated?

Baldness is generally regarded as natural, and not a disease.

So if a person decides they wish to try to get their hair back, they will probably have to pay for the lengthy, expensive procedure themselves.

Treatment with medication

  •   Minoxidil lotion (Regaine regular strength or Regaine extra strength) is applied twice daily to the scalp. Minoxidil was originally invented as a treatment for high blood pressure; the hair growth is a side effect that, in this case, has proved useful. It is not available on NHS prescription, but can be
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       purchased over-the-counter. About 60 per cent of patients benefit from it to varying degrees and 
      its effects start to wear off as soon as it is stopped.
  •     Finasteride (Propecia) is a medicine taken in tablet form that partially blocks the effects of the male hormones (an 'anti-androgen'). It is used in a higher dose to reduce the size of the prostate gland in men with benign prostatic hypertrophy. Propecia has been shown to halt further hair loss and promote re-growth of scalp hair in approximately 80 per cent of patients after three to six months. Treatment must be continued to sustain the improvement in hair growth. It is only available on private prescription and a months supply costs around £45.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery may be the only reliable way to replace lost hair, and techniques for restoring hair growth are constantly improving. These include:

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  •   a transplant, where the surgeon moves non-sensitive hairs from the back of the head to the top. This is best for men whose hair loss is limited to the front of the scalp. Factors that determine whether a person is a suitable candidate include age, hair colour, the nature of hair loss, and whether the hair type is straight or curly/ 
  •     scalp reduction, a technique that is most suitable for men with a small, well-defined bald spot on the top of the head/

  •     flap-surgery, which involves making the part of the scalp that still contains hair larger. This is a possibility in cases of hair loss over a small area.  

source:  http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/health_advice/facts/hairloss_male.htm

25 September, 2015

7 Hair Loss Solutions

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As much as 30 percent of women will experience some sort of hair thinning, usually first noticed with age as a skinnier ponytail or a little more visible scalp peeking out. Thick hair screams “youth,” which makes thinning a tough pill to swallow. But there are many ways you can help slow down thinning and hair loss, from eating the right foods to cutting back on stress, even strategically styling your locks. Here, seven ways to stave off hair loss and keep your ‘do looking young and healthy for longer.

Load up on beauty nutrients.

Though we think our hair is super important, our bodies consider it nonessential (read: we don’t need it to stay conscious). Other bodily functions, like breathing, are more pressing and get first access to the nutrients in our diet. Our hair gets the leftovers. Protein is your hair's best friend, so reach for healthy protein such as eggs and fish and avoid fasting or yoyo dieting. These can deprive your body of these essential building blocks for a healthy scalp and hair. Wild salmon, tuna and trout are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that help provide moisture and prevent dry and brittle hair. Foods rich in B vitamins also help keep hair follicles healthy, decreasing the risk for hair loss. Fruits and vegetables, and beans and lean meat sources, such as chicken or turkey breast, are all great sources for vitamin B.

Manage stress

Too much stress is bad for health and beauty, but did you know there’s a known connection between stress and hair loss, too? Constant stress can cause cortisol levels to spike, which can contribute to increased hair shedding. To relieve stress and its damaging effects on your hair, try meditation, regular exercise, keeping a regular sleep schedule, or any other activity that helps you decompress.

Take care of your scalp.

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The scalp is where each hair follicle receives its blood supply, allowing it to grow strong. If you show your scalp a little TLC and make sure it's nourished, hydrated and healthy, then your hair will be stronger and more resistant to breakage, promoting healthy growth. Foods packed with vitamin E, like almonds, walnuts and raspberries or strawberries, are great for promoting scalp circulation, as are vitamin C-rich foods like kiwis and broccoli. Walnuts also are a great source of zinc—zinc deficiency can cause shedding—so they’re extra powerful.

Try biotin supplements.

Results from several small studies suggest that biotin supplements may improve thinning hair and brittle nails. Less commonly known as vitamin H, biotin is part of the B complex vitamins, which help your body metabolize fats and protein. Some experts even recommend a daily supplement for everyone since it’s generally safe and pretty hard to get too much of it.

Get your hormone levels checked.

Age-onset thinning, or “miniaturization,” refers to a progressive decrease of the hair shaft’s diameter and length. This happens at least in part because of androgens like dihydrotestosterone (or DHT), a derivative of the male hormone testosterone that causes hair follicles to literally shrink in diameter. This type of hair thinning is referred to as androgenic alopecia, and it occurs in an equal pattern all over the scalp. However, pregnancy, ovarian cysts, medications, emotional or physical shock, and birth control pills can all affect hormone levels, making it complicated to pinpoint the reason for hair loss. For example, polycystic ovarian disease can exacerbate androgens and manifest as thinning, in which case you could treat the condition and fix hair loss. Get your hormone levels checked to see if an underlying health issue is the root cause.

Try a new style.

Playing around with your haircut can sometimes mask the issue, so talk to your stylist about a style that will add volume and bounce, making hair appear thicker. Simply shifting your part can work wonders, and changing up your color can help, too. Light reflects more off lighter hair, so the color provides less contrast between the hair and the scalp, concealing any empty patches. Additionally, a light perm or wave will give hair more body and make it look thicker, and frequent trims will help prevent breakage.

Cut back on hot tool use.

Speaking of a new style: Don’t choose one that’s so high maintenance that it needs to be heat styled daily—the damage you’ll do with too much hot tool usage can leave strands damaged and fried, and breaking before it can grow to a certain length. Plus, thinner hair tends to break easier, so you want to avoid any extra damage-inducing practices at all costs. Make a conscious effort, too, to brush more gently, and use a moisturizing and reparative hair mask to hydrate hair and nourish the scalp—where hair gets most of its strength.

How to Have a Perfect Diet for Hair Growth?

 However, most people pay little attention to diet and lifestyle when they experience hair loss. They think that everything has been determined by genes, and that it can not be changed. This is only partially true, but can most likely also be wrong.

If you have been grappling with the question on how to stop hair loss, take a serious look at your diet and lifestyle before you start considering one of those expensive hair loss treatments.

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Experts believe that the contents of your diet, your lifestyle and the way you generally treat your hair contributes to the degeneration process of your hair. Your hair is just like any other part of your body. If you are not eating right, your hair will starve of the necessary nutrients it needs to look healthy. It is not uncommon for your hair to look lifeless if your diet consists of junk foods, fat and other unhealthy stuff.

With a good diet it is possible that your hair can grow back, but you need to know how to choose healthy and nutritious foods. With a good diet, you have a much greater chance to grow your hair back. So foremost you need to know what foods are healthy and can grow your hair. What foods are actually suitable for a good hair diet?

24 September, 2015

7 ways to have Healthy and Shiny Hair

> Always keep your scalp and hair clean 

> Handle your hair softly when you wash and dry it

> Shampoo just three times in a week

> Let your hair air dry instead of using heat

> Drink lots of water (atleast 8 glasses everyday) 

> Eat lots of green vegetables and fruits

> Have hot oil treatment once in a week

Build these habits and you will have Healthy, Shiny and Soft Hair!
Happy Hair Caring!
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7 Super Fruits that Prevent Hair Fall

Everybody wants to have good, healthy and shiny hair. But very few are lucky to have these from childhood. Don't be upset or feel down, every problem must have a solution.
So here we have been posting so many tips on diet, daily hair care and so on. But today I am telling you an effective and amazing solution. Along with good diet and daily hair care you need to do some extra care to achieve your desired shiny and lustrous hair.

7 Super Fruits that Prevent Hair Fall:

1) Orange

2) Grapefruit

3) Lemon

4) Berry

5) Banana

6) Guava

7) Papaya

Eat good, Stay healthy!
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9 things you need to know about female hair loss

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 About female hair loss:

While we may spend most of our time cursing it for being uncontrollable and knotty, your hair is actually really helpful in keeping track of your health – which is why it can be the first thing affected when something’s not right.

Far from being a problem only men experience, it’s estimated that over two million Australian women are affected by some kind of hair loss condition.

Given the focus on women’s hair, it can be an extremely difficult experience losing some or all your hair, no matter what the cause. Here are 8 things you need to know about female hair loss.

1. It can happen at any age.

According to Andrew Wilson, Director of Transitions Hair one of the biggest misconceptions people have about hair loss is that it doesn’t happen to young women.

“Hair loss and thinning doesn’t age-discriminate and can affect young girls as much as any other age group,” he says.

However for most women it occurs later in life, often as a result of menopause.

2. Your diet plays a significant part.

What you eat can affect the health or loss of your hair in many ways. Hair is made of protein, which is essential to repair or grow our bones, skin, muscles and hair. If your body is lacking protein, the rate of new hair growth will slow down. Ensuring your providing your body with the nutrients it needs and eating a balanced diet can go a long way to reducing your risk of hair loss and keeping remaining hair healthy.

3. It can be caused by stress.

Stress is one of the most common causes of hair loss – but it takes more than just one busy day at work.

“Emotional stress is the most harmful I’ve seen in terms of hair loss. It can be triggered by a significant event like a death, divorce or constant prolonged stress of something like a bad relationship,” says Trichologist Anthony Pearce.

It largely affects hair loss by impacting your body’s production of various hormones, including adrenaline and testosterone. Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that raises blood sugar, resulting in more glucose than normal, while adrenaline elevates the blood pressure and heart rate. The body then goes into defence mode, preparing to fix any damaged tissue. As a result, this stress can cause two types of hair loss: Alopecia Areata and Telgen Effluvium.

4. It’s very different to male baldness.

While both genders can be affected by hair loss, Pearce stresses that female hair loss is much more complex in both the cause and the treatment. What works for men is not always suitable for women, which is why seeing a specialist is so important.

5. There are many different forms of hair loss conditions.

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While the most common forms of hair loss conditions are usually grouped together and referred to as Alopecia Areata, according to the Australia Alopecia Areata Foundation, there are actually many different categories. The difference usually refers to the location of the baldness such as at the back of the head (Alopecia Areata Ophiasis) or all body hair (Alopecia Areata Universalis). Because of this, it’s important to make an appointment with a trichologist who can identify your specific condition.

6. It’s not always permanent.

“Permanent hair conditions are usually scarring conditions and are very rare. Some conditions can be treated and not cured, but around 75 per cent can be cured,” says Pearce.

Young women in particular are more prone to zinc and iodine deficiencies, which is a common cause that Pearce calls a “continuing until corrected condition”. It will go on as long as it remains undiagnosed. This is because when your body lacks the vitamins it needs, the first thing it will do is take the support from your hair as it is non-essential tissue.

Given that hair loss is usually an indication of another underlying health problem, the treatment varies from individual to individual, but usually involves a combination of nutritional supplements and then some topical treatments to help speed up the process.

7. Recovery will take time.

“While hair is often the first area to display signs of a problem, it’s also the last to recover,” says Pearce.

The most important thing is to be patient. It can take three to six months minimum from when action is taken to see visible results.

“But I always tell my patients to be optimistic – the problem is treatable,” he says.

8. There are ways to conceal the issue.

While sufferers often turn to wigs or scarves in severe cases, there are simple hair changes you can make to conceal the problem in the mean time.

When your hair is thinning, consider going lighter (but not bleach blonde) as the scalp becomes less noticeable than darker colours.

A great cut can also go a long way in making the problem less obvious – going shorter can make your hair look thicker.

9. You can minimise your risk.
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While you can’t prevent the problem completely, looking after yourself by ensuring your eating a balanced diet, staying healthy and taking measures to relieve prolonged stress can all go some way into minimising your risk of hair loss.

Pearce also advises going to your doctor once a year to get your iron, Vitamin D and Iodine levels checked as they are the most common deficiencies that contribute to hair loss, particularly in young women.


Female hair loss: causes and treatment

Far from being my crowning glory, my hair has been the bane of my life. But one question has always plagued me: is my problem on my head, or in my head? While I've suspected my hair has been thinning for decades, few people ever believed me and at times I even doubted it myself.

There were years when my hair seemed fuller, when I'd scrunch it into ringlets and delight at its apparent thickness. At other times, particularly in my 30s, I'd fret over the wispy strands at the front of my head or when I saw too much scalp in the mirror.

My friends always reassured me I had a good head of hair. Most of the GPs I saw reacted the same, despite my tears and protestations. I had no bald patches or visible gaps so they'd put it down to stress or would test my iron and thyroid levels, which appeared normal.

Some of my hair loss over the years is easily explained. I developed an eating disorder and recall gathering clumps of hair off my pink bedroom carpet when I was under-eating in my teens.

Weight loss, low iron levels, poor diet and stress, along with thyroid and hormonal imbalances, can all cause hair to fall, trichologists say. Hair needs a healthy diet and a well-functioning endocrine system to flourish.

But diffuse hair shedding linked to weight, anaemia, diet or thyroid problems is temporary, according to Glenn Lyons, the clinical director at the Philip Kingsley Trichological Clinic in London. The hair follicle isn't damaged and the hair grows back automatically or once an imbalance is addressed.

The same goes for hair loss after childbirth or following cancer treatment – in most cases hair is restored. Even with alopecia areata, the sudden hair loss experienced by TV presenter Gail Porter that leaves bald patches, hair often grows back, although the problem can recur.

There is another type of female hair loss, however, that is less dramatic and less visible, but can be incredibly distressing. The hair thins gradually, often over decades, around the top frontal area and extending back to the crown. It can start at any age, is progressive and inherited.

"Genetic hair loss is the only hair loss in which the follicle gradually gets smaller and finer and producers smaller and finer hair until it stops altogether and then you get the thinning," says Lyons.

"It has a massive psychological impact on women because they're balding and thinning in a similar way to the men," adds Lyons, who sees women in their teens to their 80s with the condition. "There isn't a week goes by when we don't get women in tears in here. It affects self-esteem, confidence, quality of life and relationships."

Androgenetic alopecia, as the condition is known, is male hormone-related but isn't caused by too much testosterone. Instead, the hair follicles become sensitive, due to a genetic predisposition, to normal levels of male hormones in a woman's body.

But female hair loss is complex and Dr Hugh Rushton, a Harley Street trichologist, says 72% of women with male hormone-related hair loss are also iron deficient: "The key is to get an accurate diagnosis and to eliminate all other potential factors."

Stress can exacerbate genetic hair loss since the adrenal or stress glands secrete male hormones into the body, says Lyons. Polycystic ovaries can also accelerate the condition, and genetic hair loss will worsen in menopause unless treated as oestrogen levels drop.

I've had some ovarian cysts and have suffered with erratic eating, low iron and stress. But I always suspected there was something more to my thinning hair. The idea that it's genetic is finally making sense.

My mother's hair has been thinning for years, and her mother's did too. The gene can be passed down by either or both parents, and it can affect just one sibling – my brother has a great head of hair.

Fortunately for women, female pattern baldness is less severe than the male variety.

Lyons treats patients with scalp drops that aim to stop male hormones or androgens from damaging the follicles. For some women, trichologists recommend oral contraceptives, but only those with anti-androgens. Some contraceptives exacerbate hair loss, as do some hormone replacement therapies.

Dermatologists may prescribe the over-the-counter drug minoxidil for the scalp, but Lyons says lotions need to contain anti-androgens to fight genetic hair loss.

The correct treatment can restore some of the hair if the follicles are still alive but if they've died, the hair won't grow back, experts say. Existing hair can be preserved, however. The key, for the sake of a woman's sanity and self-esteem, is to catch the condition early – some women can lose up to half their hair before they even notice.

In my case, it's clear I've lost some of my hair for good. I have to keep it short, it feels fine and wispy and I can see too much scalp on the top. But perhaps I can do something about what's left. And even if I am losing my hair, at least now I know I'm not losing my mind.

Hair loss facts

Telogen effluvium – general shedding from all over the head. We typically lose some 100 hairs a day but sometimes shedding accelerates due to stress, illness, medication or hormones. Hair generally grows back within six months.

Androgenetic alopecia – in women, hair generally thins in the top, frontal area, just behind the hair line, but stays thick at the back. An enzyme causes conversion of the male sex hormone testosterone to another hormone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), causing the hair follicles to produce thinner hair until they stop
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Alopecia areata – an autoimmune disease that affects up to 2% of the population. It causes round patches of hair loss and can lead to total baldness. In many cases, the hair regrows.


Hair Loss in Teenage Girls Common Causes

Hair Loss in Teenage Girls & Vitamins                                         

Hair Loss in Teenage Girls Common Causes image
                                   Hair loss
 in teenage girls is a common problems as well, and also the most difficult to tackle.

While healthy hair indicates good general health, hair loss can be an indicator of a deeper internal
health problem. Hair loss in women has been attributed to several factors till now: stress,
lack of iron or anemia, condition of the scalp, condition of vital internal organs like the kidneys,
liver, thyroid etc., emotional disturbances, menstrual problems, illness or lack of essential
vitamins and other nutrients in the body etc.

Hair loss in teenage girls generally indicates a deficiency in vitamin B1, vitamin C, lysine and iron.
Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties help to make skin and hair healthy by aiding body metabolism,and
converting fat and carbohydrates into energy. It helps in the development of healthy collagen that
binds tissues together. Hence it is effective in preventing breakage and split ends. Vitamin C is present in good quantities in Citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapple, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes and most dark green vegetables.

A daily dose of 60 mg is recommended for good health. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine aids in protein building and thus makes the hair healthy, giving it volume, shine and a good texture. This is ensured by providing nutrition to the scalp. Other vitamins that help to prevent hair loss in women are: other
Vitamin B complex vitamins like Biotin, Inositol, Niacin and vitamin E. Minerals like iron, zinc,

Hair Loss in Teenage Girls Common Causes image
magnesium are also effective in preventing hair loss.

The most common food-based sources of these vitamins are: citrus fruits, green vegetables, fruits
like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, potatoes, green peppers, vegetable oils, soybean, raw seeds,
dried beans, wheat germ oil, brewer’s yeast, whole grains, eggs, liver, rice, milk, fish, turkey,
chicken and red meat. Other products found to be efficient in combating hair loss are Saw Palmetto,
nettle root, pumpkin, gotu kola, eleuthero, Uva-Ursi, Muria Puama and others.

There are hundreds of products in the market today that promise to prevent hair loss. These products
are generally prescribed by experts though some over the counter drugs are also available. There are
companies that specialize exclusively in the production of hair loss drugs. Information about these
products is also available on the Internet on the websites of these companies. However, it is better
to consult a physician to know the exact cause of hair loss before using any of these products.


17 September, 2015

Natural Tips

More cause of hair fall:

Hair fall has become quite common among several people that is found to be due to several problems like oily scalp, imbalance of hormones, hereditary, irregularity in diet, dandruff, change of water and too much stress. Before starting efforts to treat hair fall it is necessary to find the actual reason for this hair fall happening and once the reason has been found there are some natural treatments available that is sure to work against hair loss.Hence we have put together these natural solutions in order to prepare your hair to fight against hair fall with positive results, these treatments suggested include:

Natural tips image Natural Treatment :

More cause of hair fall:                                  
• Onion Juice:
This is a proven fact that onion juice is known to give positive results in treating hair fall problem there  are very few people who are aware of the fact that it is this juice which is used in several tonics which have been exclusively made to treat hair loss. Onion juice also is known to be clinically true in treating hair fall since it works as stimulant in growth of hair by increasing the blood circulation in scalp. Apart from this onion juice is also known to work as an antiseptic by cleansing the scalp, preparation method of this juice is given below:

  1. Take one large onion in blender to make into juice which has to be later filtered to extract juice without pulp so that it will be easy to apply on scalp for about an hour.
  2.  Though very strong and pungent in odor Onion can also be used in this form with rose water which has to be later washed off after about an hour with herbal shampoo that does not have Sodium Lauryl Sulphate
  3. For this pack to work effectively it is suggested to wait for about 2-3 weeks based on the   severity of hair fall it is suggested to increase its usage in a week

• Coriander Juice:
Coriander also known as cilantro is one such other juice like onion that is said to boost hair growth and fighting against hair fall providing hair with all the necessary nutrients which enable in proper growth. Here we provide you with the way in which it can be prepared and used which are given below:
  1. Make paste with freshly chopped coriander leaves and water, which has to be made to be of juice consistency that has to be filtered to get juice that is easily applied on the scalp for about an hour before shampooing it off.
  2. To increase the benefits being extracted from this juice it is suggested to use them with other type of packs too, for this juice to show its effect it is necessary to give it nearly 2-3 weeks of time and can be used couple of times in a week or month based on the density at which hair fall occurs.

• Fenugreek seeds with yogurt:

This combination is said to work best for people suffering from dandruff  and hair fall issues, hair growth is ensured with the presence of protein and nicotinic acid in fenugreek seeds also known as methi seeds. People who have oily scalp are suggested to replace yogurt with water or aloe vera juice to make paste for easy application on scalp. Yogurt in this mixture is known to provide nourishment and acts as conditioner for dry scalp, process in preparation of this paste is given below:

  1. Mix fenugreek powder with yogurt based on the hair length to make paste which can be later applied on the scalp to cover entire hair so that it will be conditioned and left so for about an hour but later has to be washed off with herbal shampoo.
  2. For this paste to show its result it might take about 2-3 weeks and has to be used couple of times every week to give the desired output.

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For all those who are worried about their hair loss problems should understand that there is a duration of about 2-4 months when hair is said to undergo telgon phase which is due to the condition named telogen effluvium as per which there will be regular hair fall which is pretty much normal to happen.
For all those who do not know what telogen phase is will be able to recognize it once they see a bulb on hair tip when it sheds, however there is nothing to worry about since there will be growth of new hair strand instead of the one which has been shed.
There is also nothing to worry hugely about this phase since it is said to last only for 3 months which will then be followed by normal hair growth, but for those who identify this phase to last more than 6 months should go with medical help. We hope that the home made treatments given above will help to prevent hair loss.

Hair Fall Prevent

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Skin disorders such as head lupara irayathametasa
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Kyanasarera pressure medications, such as drugs of various kinds of drugs, pill, etc. janmaniyantrina, mental anxiety,

For example, in various ways to prevent hair fall

Hair care rinse with shampoo every other day intervals need to shampoo frequently with soap and oily substances that have accumulated as a result of the base of the hair, so dieicati washed. Tbaranita are reading this dieicati hair fall. Health, health of body and mind, and largely involved with hair. The amount of the daily diet vegetables, fruits samuddha t enough vitamins and minerals that need to be taken. Ý Law kanto additional diet can cause hair fall. Besides taking medicine that may be washed out of the hair of the crime specialist should be consulted.


Cause of hair fall:

Dieicati Remo responsible for hair fall. Puurusadera hair at the front of the eyeball, and the women were single and a full head of hair becomes thinner. Hair is very complicated because of the chemical.

Hair fall problem image

Othe causes of hair fall :

  • Inaphekasanajanita yemanahbyakateriyah payojenika, tiubarakulasisa, phyangasah keritana. 
  • Viruses herpes infection.
  • Protojoyarah lisameniya 

Healthy food is essential for healthy hair

Which food is essential for healthy hair:

• .This Includes dark green vegetables, Vit-A, vit-C, which is natural conditionar 's work

• There are dark green leafy .Goto Vit-E 

• Been different types of beans, such as bici, suti pea, cowpea, etc. They are a good source of protein. There are also iron, Zinc, Biotin. Biotin prevents hair broken. 

Food and vitamin image

• Different types of wood, such as almond nut, cashew nuts, walnuts. These natural conditionar 's work. (The Daily 1 muthera not more.) 

• Hair is made of protein. So food must be first on the list senira protein, such as chicken, eggs.

• * Red rice, red flour to eat the whole grain habeete Zinc, Iron, Vit-B is available.

• Low fat milk. It has calcium, protein has the elements essential for the growth of hair. 

• Carrots. Vit-A good source. Every Snacks / salad list, as well as the food place.

• Linseed (Flax seed) are very beneficial for the hair. 1 cacamaca amount of coarse powder should be consumed every day. (It has omega -3 fatty acid.)

• Sunflower seeds are a great way to make hair strong and brave work. Dry roast 1 mutha amount you can eat. NOTE: sunflower seeds to the store to buy spices. Plant / flower seedlings do not buy from the store, is shaped to pesticides.